film festival

Fifth edition 06 t/m 10
nov 2019

Salam 01 (1)
01 Science in exile
Science in exile 02
Awardshow 02

Our tips for the last festival day

It is already the last festival day. You can still visit a lot of interesting films, DIY-Labs and participate in research today. Tonight we will close the festival with the Awardshow. Read more about our recommendations for today!

film / Salam – The First ****** Nobel Laureate (anand kamalaker)

Professor Muhammad Abdus Salam (1926-1996) was the first Pakistani and Muslim scientist to win a Nobel Prize. However, this honour was paired with disdain from his homeland of Pakistan for being a member of the Ahmadiyya Islamic community. His Muslim identity still sparks controversy even after his death. Are science and religion so incompatible that a scientist is forced to choose between the two?

Why was Pakistani physicist Abdus Salam so important for producer Zakir Thaver that he dedicated 10 years of his life to making this film? What did it take to tell Salam’s story? After the film Zakir Thaver and director Anand Kamalakar will join in for a Q&A.

The program starts 15:30 in LUX 6. Tickets available here.

film / science in exile (nicole leghissa)

Scientists in conflict areas like Syria, Yemen and Iraq talk about the atrocities and lack of freedom they experience in their home countries. Academics in these areas were silenced by the media and some even fled to safer countries with no censorship. How did these scientists survive during times of conflict?

Several initiatives were developed to help refugees feel more at home in Nijmegen. What’s it like to find out that you have to start your degree program all over again in your new homeland? Is academic knowledge universally valuable? Ricky van Oers from Radboud University will explain the efforts the RU Refugee Workgroup is making to help refugees with an academic background transition to Dutch academia. She will discuss this issue with experiential experts Dawit Tesfay and Shahira Sharaf. Tesfay has a bachelor’s degree in Archeology, but never got the chance to be an archeologist and is now reorienting towards Human Geography. Sharaf has a PhD in philosophy and focusses her research on migration issues and integration policies in the Netherlands.

The program starts 13:30 in LUX 6. Tickets available here.


On Sunday November 11th, we’ll end the festival with the awards for best film. Elisabeth van Nimwegen from the NTR programme Focus is the presenter of the award show.

NTR Audience Award

Science and culture are core themes at NTR. This makes NTR a natural festival partner. Science deserves serious attention, which is even more reason to link NTR to the InScience Audience Award. Audience members can vote for their favourite film at InScience 2018. The winner will receive a €2.500 cash prize. The competing films are accompanied by the NTR logo in the festival guide.

Student Jury Award

Six students from universities, regional vocational training centres and universities of applied sciences will watch a wide selection of films during the festival. How do you judge a science film? And how do you formulate your opinion in a substantiated jury report? The students will follow a week programme filled with workshops, under the supervision of experiential experts. On Sunday evening they will announce the filmmaker they believe created the best science film and wins a €500 prize.

This program has free entrance. You can reserve your seat by ordering a free ticket here.